In a surprising and controversial move, the government has introduced a new national holiday that has left parents in a frenzy and employers infuriated. The holiday, officially known as “National Daycare Closure Day,” has caused frustration among working parents across the country. This day is chosen randomly each year, without prior notice, and seems to serve no purpose other than to inconvenience parents.
A spokesperson from the Department of Education, who preferred to remain anonymous, explained the motivation behind the holiday. “We felt that parents were getting off too easily, so we wanted to create a holiday that would truly challenge them,” they said.
On National Daycare Closure Day, all daycare centers nationwide will remain closed for the entire day. This sudden closure leaves working parents scrambling to find last-minute childcare options or resorting to using their remaining vacation days.
“We are genuinely excited about this new holiday,” the spokesperson expressed. “It will shake things up and keep parents on their toes. Let’s be honest, it’s always amusing to mess with people.”
The spokesperson also emphasized that parents should not attempt to predict the date of National Daycare Closure Day, as it will be chosen entirely at random, with no specific pattern or warning.
“We won’t provide any hints about the date,” they emphasized. “But if, by some unfortunate coincidence, a parent has an important career-enhancing meeting or their team is being treated to an expensive lunch that day, well, that’s just tough luck. Rest assured, the holiday will fall on the most inconvenient and disappointing day.”
The Department of Education has also warned parents that if their child happens to be sick on National Daycare Closure Day, they will not be able to bring them to daycare on a day when they are healthy to make up for it.
“Why stop at just one day?” the spokesperson questioned. “Ideally, we would like to have a varying number of these holidays each year. This way, parents will be constantly burdened by anxiety, wondering when the next closure will occur.”
The spokesperson further explained that daycares are prohibited from notifying parents about the holiday in any way. Parents will only discover the closure when they arrive at the daycare center to find it locked and empty. This additional measure is intended to heighten frustration and confusion among parents for the entertainment of others.
The response to this new holiday is mostly negative, with many parents expressing frustration and disbelief. Some, however, have adopted a more lighthearted perspective.
“I suppose it’s somewhat amusing,” remarked another parent. “We do have a sense of humor about these things. But let’s be real, it’s going to be a real pain.”
So whether you mark your calendars or not, be prepared for National Daycare Closure Day. It’s on its way, and there’s nothing you can do to change it. Just make sure you have a therapist on speed dial, consider picking up smoking again, or prepare yourself to set aside the shame of cracking open a beer before noon, because you’re going to need it.